Friday, 10 February 2012

Final computer drafts

This is one of my drafts for my final piece (magazine double page spread) I chose to put a large letter similar to a drop down cap behind my writing I did this because I have seen similar things in other music magazines I also think that it is a bit unique in comparison to many other magazine interviews/articles therefore would attract the reader to my piece perhaps more than other magazines, it also makes the piece look professionally done and not just as if the writing has just been put into columns, by it being behind the writing it makes the page look filled with less empty white space but without the page looking overcrowded and busy putting the audience of. I choose to use a sans-serif font because it makes the S look neet it also is a formal font which contrasts with the informality of the interview. I choose to put a quote from the interview in bold above the actual body of text from the interview, I did this as the quote will entice the reader in making them question what it is about involving them, by having it in a larger font it also makes the interview seem easier to read therefore more of the audience is likely to read it. I choose to have a picture on one side and text on the other to keep it separate so that the page does not look overcrowded and also adds emphasis to the picture. I have chosen to take the picture of the girl on a rope swing among the trees I choose to do this because of the genre of the magazine; indie, therefore the artist is casual and laid back therefore the picture fits in well with her style and personality. The picture is also perhaps a bit more girlie this again fits in well as this particular magazine is aimed at more of a female audience as shown by pictures and colour scheme. I also choose to use fine lines to separate information so that harsh thick lines are not too bright and stand out looking unprofessional and child like, I also have a running theme throughout the magazine of having the magazine name along the bottom of each page to promote the magazine name so that there is also a running theme though-out.

I choose to do a double page spread as my contents page due to the results on my questionnaire; this is my draft drawing of what my finial piece will look similar to. I choose to use an extreme close up of the model as one of the biggest photographs on the contents page this is of the model on the front and is the most important interview in the magazine therefore by having it the biggest promotes the idea again to the reader. I have also chosen to have pictures alongside "big" articles and bands in the contents this made the page more interesting to the reader it also makes it come across as easy to understand, by the page looking very busy it attracts the reader’s attention but then it contrasts with the idea that it’s still neatly organised so that it is not to over the top in the readers face, there is minimal white space because there is minimal emphasis that needs to be put on any certain picture or piece of text. I choose to put the numbers in boxes and again the more well known ones in a larger font to stand out to the reader and catch their eye. Similarly to other magazines the magazine name is on the contents page to again have a running theme throughout and carry on promoting it. I have also chosen to put screen shots of other double page spreads throughout the magazine  so that when the audience is flicking though the magazine they are able to find it quickly and easily (again targeting what the reader wants). Similarly to all of the other pages in the magazine i have used soft lines to divide the information to make it look professional and not like a childish "copy and paste" this also divided information up again making it easier for the reader to see. I have also chosen to have a small divider at the bottom with the name of the magazine and page number this a running professional theme through-out. I placed a editors letter in this piece to make it seem personal to the reader and as if the editor has written it directly to them making them feel as if its specially for them (I would specifically pick a messy handwriting style font for this different to the rest to make it stand out and again personal as if the editors took the time to write it.  I am also typically choosing to put on the contents page that would be in the magazine i.e.; top 50 all time songs this will be what the audience expects to be in the music magazine and therefore may be disappointed if it was not in there.
This is my computer draft version of my double page spread; I have chosen to do an interview rather as an article as I found out that more people would prefers to read an interview than an article i also have chosen it because I think its suits my audience and magazine genre best. I have chosen to only have one image on the two pages and have the article on the right hand side, I have chosen to do this because it means that the picture can be bigger therefore the audience will be more attracted to it because it will look striking filling up a whole side of the page; I also did this because in my questionnaire it was most popular with my audience. The majority of other music magazines are also set out like this the picture will also be the first thing the audience see’s therefore it has to catch their attention so that they will read the interview. I have chosen to have the interview written in columns as it is easier for the reader to read and also looks less threatening. I have also chosen to put a quote in larger writing above the interview so that the reader reads it because it looks easy and then therefore gets hooked into it and reads the rest. I have used the same colour scheme and font style as the font cover and contents page so that there is a running theme throughout and does not look like it has come from all over the place.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Final drawings of final piece

This is one of my drafts for my final piece (magazine double page spread) I chose to put a large letter similar to a drop down cap behind my writing I did this because I have seen similar things in other music magazines I also think that it is a bit unique in comparison to many other magazine interviews/articles therefore would attract the reader to my piece perhaps more than other magazines, it also makes the piece look professionally done and not just as if the writing has just been put into columns, by it being behind the writing it makes the page look filled with less empty white space but without the page looking overcrowded and busy putting the audience of. I choose to use a sans-serif font because it makes the S look neet it also is a formal font which contrasts with the informality of the interview. I choose to put a quote from the interview in bold above the actual body of text from the interview, I did this as the quote will entice the reader in making them question what it is about involving them, by having it in a larger font it also makes the interview seem easier to read therefore more of the audience is likely to read it. I choose to have a picture on one side and text on the other to keep it separate so that the page does not look overcrowded and also adds emphasis to the picture. I have chosen to take the picture of the girl on a rope swing among the trees I choose to do this because of the genre of the magazine; indie, therefore the artist is casual and laid back therefore the picture fits in well with her style and personality. The picture is also perhaps a bit more girlie this again fits in well as this particular magazine is aimed at more of a female audience as shown by pictures and colour scheme. I also choose to use fine lines to seperate information so that harsh thick lines are not to bright and stand out looking unprofesional and child like, i also have a running theme throughout the magazine of having the magazine name along the bottme of each page to promote the magazine name so that there is also a running theme though-out.
This is a draft drawing of my final piece for my magazine, I choose the magazine title Label although it was not the one choosen in my questionare i felt that it best suited a magazine and also fitted the target audience of female and indie style, I choose to place the letters along the bottem of the 'L' as I thought it was a unique title to others and was a recognisable font and layout in comparison to others. I choose to do a midshot of the artist to alow my audience to be able to see facial expresion but also so that they are able to see the way in which she is standing and her clothing making her personality come though giving the reader a taster and inviting them to buy it. Similarly to in the double page spread i choose to put a quote from the interview next to the artist to attract the reader to pick up the piece and buy it intreged of what the quote means. I put the artists name on the front so that the audience can automatically asume who it is and make the conection quickly. By putting a "Win a trip to New York" in the corner of the magazine will also make it likely that the reader will buy the magazine as they will think they are in with a chance of winning it. I also have teasers (headliners) with elipses  to make it seem to the read like something important is going to happen next making them want to read the article. I also have used language that directly adresses the reader involving them for example 'This years must sees' it is likely that they will think they should go and see them. I have also choose to have a stamp on top of the piece of work so that it looks like a sticker interacting with the reader as if they want to peel it of, the infomation on top also will stand out very clearly. I have choosen to have a plain background or a one with minimal colour so that the page does not look to over crowded and in the readers face making it more apealing. Similarly to all magazines i have a bar code and price I am choosing to use the price range that was most popular in my questionare as it is aimed at the age range of the audience who answered the questions.

I choose to do a double page spread as my contents page due to the results on my questionare, this is my draft drawing of what my finial piece will look similar to.I choose to use an extreme close up of the model as one of the biggest photographs on the contents page this is of the model on the front and is the most important interview in the magazine therefor by having it the biggest promotes the idea again to the reader. I have also choosen to have pictures along side "big" articles and bands in the contents this made the page more interesting to the reader it also makes it come across as easy to understand, by the page looking very busy it attracts the readers attention but then it contrasts with the idea that its still neatly organised so that it is not to over the top in the readers face, there is minimal white space because there is minimal emphisis that needs to be put on any certain picture or piece of text. I choose to put the numbers in boxes and again the more well known ones in a larger font to stand out to the reader and catch thier eye. Similarly to other magazines the magazine name is on the contents page to again have a running theme throughout and carry on promoting it. I have also choosen to put screen shots of other double page spreads throughout the magazine  so that when the audience is flicking though the magazine they are able to find it quickly and easily (again targting what the reader wants). Similarly to all of the other pages in the magazine i have used soft lines to divide the information to make it look profesional and not like a childish "copy and paste" this also divided information up again making it easier for the reader to see. I have also choosen to have a small divider at the bottem with thee name of the magazine and page number this a running profesional theme through-out. I placed a editors letter in this piece to make it seem personal to the reader and as if the editor has written it dierectly to them making them feel as if its specially for them (I would specifically pick a messy handwritting style font for this differant to the rest to make it stand out and again personal as if the editors took the time to write it.  I am also typically choosing to put on the contents page that would be in the magazine ie; top 50 all time songs this will be what the audience expects to be in the music magazine and therefor may be disapointed if it was not in there.

Ideas (mindmap) for final piece

These are my ideas of what I am going to put in my final piece, I have thought of different options in which I can put on the front of my magazine, I have also decided the direction I would like the light to come from I have done this so that I am able to have certain shadows in certain places to add emphasis on the features of the face and background shadows. I have also chosen to have a plain or very minimal background so that it is clear to the audience.

I have chosen specific cover lines that fit in with the genre of it being an indie music magazine, I have used typical cover lines similar to those in other music magazines so that the audience is able make connections with it and other music magazines and they can expect the similar things of what is going to be inside (this is what they'd want to see in a music magazine) I have chosen to use words that are directed at the reader and also instructs them this makes them feel as if the magazine is for them personally. By also using single connotations like BUY! it adds emphasis on it by it also being in capital letters with an exclamation mark the audience knows that it automatically shouts out to them. I have also decided to uses methods of attraction by having a win a free therefore the audience will feel more inclined to buy it as there could be a prize at the end of it.

I have decided to do a double page spread for my contents page I have done this because it was the most popular idea from the questionnaire. I have also decided to have lots of images to make the writing look less over powering and intimidating to the reader (more appealing) I have also decided to use more close up shots unless it is of a band as the pictures cannot be big and therefore long shots would be hard to see and make out what they are.

To make my ideas for my double page spread I have used the results from my questionnaire, I have chosen to have only one picture and for it to fill a full page to add emphasis on the photo but I have chosen to have my model in different positions after taking the photos i will decide which one looks best but preferably I would like to have the shots of her on a rope swing among trees. I have also decided to use similar aspects to other music magazines to make sure that the magazine does not change to suit a different purpose for example the large drop down caps.

Copy of Questionare

This is a sample of my questionare that i did on my auidience i did a sample audience of 15 people.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


These Are the results to my qestionare, were i asked a sample of 15 people.

Overall I am going to use some of the results from the questionare in my magazine but not all, only the ones that are most appropriate for the genre and audience for my magazine.