Monday, 19 March 2012

Final Front Cover

This is my final piece for my front cover it has come together through trial and error of my other peices, I have choosen to put a black line along the top of the magazine as with out it it looked bair, i think it added effect to the magazine making it look more professional and like a conventional music magazine it also made the magazine stand out as it seemed like it outlines the magazine like perhaps a border, then by the black contrasting against the white it has a standing out effect. I have choosen to do the letter L in a marroon colour as I think it suited it's targeted audience of more female the reason i picked this colour is becuase i think that it is a similar colour to her lipstick and therefor links in, I also choose it because I dont think it is as affensive as a bright 'barbie' pink. To make my magazine look balanced in the colour aspects i put certain lines of text in the same colour in  differant areas of the page to make the page not look outbalanced. I used all of the same fonts for the coverlines so that there is consistancy ans it looks professional and not too messy and all over the place. I used longer coverlines that go across the picture (at the bottom) so that it does not cover the face but looks interesting and appealing, convetionally like all other music magazines i used more than 5 cover lines. The only font that i used differantly would be that of the title next too the artist this shows to the reader clearly that this is the main cover story, by the writting also being in a serif it looks like it has been quickly scribbled by the artisit making it seem more personal from the artist to the reader and then also fits in well with the genre of the magazine. I used rehtorical 'differant' questions to engage the reader and intregue them to what the answer could possibly be, making them more enclines to buy the piece.

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